Saturday, September 7, 2024

Assignment 1: Formal Letter (Descriptive Reflection)

Dear Professor Brad,

My name is Bryan Kan, and I am writing to introduce myself as a student in your Effective Communication module. I hope this letter gives you a clear understanding of who I am.

Before entering the Singapore Institute of Technology, I graduated with a Diploma in Aerospace Engineering from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. My interest in engineering began when I attended an engineering workshop in secondary school. The workshop taught us how to build simple machines, such as lever systems and basic catapults. Seeing how these concepts applied to real-world problems, like lifting heavy objects with minimal effort using a pulley system, sparked my curiosity and passion for engineering. As a result, I decided to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering, where I can explore more complex challenges and deepen my knowledge.

One of my strengths is workplace communication. During my national service, I served as an officer in charge of security at Paya Lebar Airbase. One of the significant events I managed was enhancing security at the airbase for the Shangri-La Dialogue. During the planning phase, I interacted with the commanding officer and the troopers to gather feedback on areas needing strengthened security. I realized I was able to communicate effectively with all staff, regardless of their ranks. This ability helped me develop a strong working relationship with the management team.

On the other hand, I need to improve my writing skills, especially concerning grammatical errors and organizing my thoughts. For example, I have struggled with run-on sentences and misplaced commas, which made my writing confusing.

Through this module, I hope to improve both my writing and presentation skills. The knowledge I gain from attending your classes will benefit me in my upcoming Integrated Work Study Programme report and presentation, as well as in the future when I enter the workforce.

What differentiates me from others is my perseverance and determination when facing challenges. I approach every obstacle with a mindset that sees setbacks as opportunities to grow and learn. This mindset allows me to stay focused and motivated. I take pride in my ability to remain patient and keep moving forward, using every challenge as a stepping stone to greater achievement.

Yours sincerely,
Bryan Kan


  1. Hi Bryan, it was interesting to hear that you served as an officer at the Paya Lebar Airbase during your national service! You were able to point out your strengths in having good communication in a work setting, find out what you were weak in as well. Perhaps you could even add on how you plan on improving on your writing skills. I love that you don't back down from a challenge, and when facing setbacks, you try to overcome them instead.

    Thank you for the read, I really got to know you a lot better than our first interaction in Day Zero! If you face any difficulties in your writing or delivery of presentations, feel free to ask me for help in proof-reading or practice. :)

  2. Hello Bryan! Thank you for taking up time to share about yourself. I felt that your letter did a good job of introducing yourself and outlining your background. You effectively shared your educational journey, and provide insightful examples of your experiences, such as your NS experience. It was something I could relate to.

    On the contrary, the letter could have included more specific examples of the writing challenges you have encountered and your strategies for overcoming them in the module.

    Overall, it was a fantastic letter, and with a few adjustments, your message will become even more compelling.

  3. Hello Bryan! Thank you for sharing about yourself in the letter. It was interesting to read about your national service experience which I am sure most male students could relate with. You’ve also efficiently shared more about yourself while introducing your strength in communication which I found impressive. I would love to see some specific examples of how your weakness has affected you. I believe this could have added more depth to your letter.

    Overall, your letter was clear and concise. It also gave relatable examples which help to make your letter feel more concrete. Through your letter, I have a deeper understanding about you and your unique perspective on life. I believe we could all learn from your growth mindset!


Reader Response Draft 1

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